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The Ulysseans

By: Antonio Mercurio

...m. This goal strikes the child from as early on as the embryonic and fetal stages. It is there that the child’s hatred for its mother begins, and it... ...ay, which the solar system containing the Earth belongs to, represents the male and female reproductive organs for the life of the entire universe. ... ...circular causality. Just like what happens on the set of a movie or on the stage of a theater or in the orchestra pit. There is no longer just one ... ...lopment of my reflections on the anthropic principle created by a group of American scientists. Anyone who would like to know more about the anthro... ...ay, which the solar system containing the Earth belongs to, represents the male and female reproductive organs for the life of the entire universe. ... ...s this idea clear to you? If we look at how a man or a woman goes from the stage of infancy to the stage of adulthood, not in a biological sense, wh... ...e comes about through initiation rites that take place after the adolescent males have been separated for a time from the family and the village. In... ...ter in the poem represents a part of Ulysses, like in a play where all the actors are portraying various aspects of the playwright. It is only fair,... ...ering ourselves victims of destiny so we can become artists, and not just actors, of our lives and of the life of the universe; the pain of losing...

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